

Passes valid until we close on September 14th, 2024. View details


New Student Special

If you’ve never been to our studio before, this is a great way to check it out.
Get 2 consecutive weeks to try any and every class you choose.
Same price as a drop-in for 2 weeks of unlimited classes.
No obligation to stay when it’s over, but please do 😊

Moonglow Membership

Pause, freeze, or cancel at any time. No strings or explanation required.
Auto-renews every month. Just sign up for class and show up.
10% off all retail products (including mats), 10% off workshops & series

Sign Up for unlimited yoga

Gift Cards

Do you know someone who loves yoga? Buy them a gift card they can apply towards a membership or class pass. It’s an easy online checkout and you can choose to email or print out the code.

Buy a gift card

Class Passes

Load up on account with individual. The more you buy, the cheaper it gets. All class passes are valid for 24 months from purchase. Passes are non-refundable. It’s OK to share a pass with immediate family only.

Student & Senior Discount

At the moment, we are not offering discounted passes for student, senior, and corporate partners. This is due to having online registration only. If you already have one of these passes, it is still valid. Please consider supporting us and buying a full price pass for now. We’re looking to add a discounted option back once we return to a fuller schedule and start accepting walk-ins and in-person payments. Thank you for understanding 🙏